The Dhaka Times
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Today, Dhaka is a different traffic-free capital!

The Dhaka Times Desk Today the capital looks like a different traffic-free capital. There is no traffic, the signals are absolutely flawless. Everything is arranged neatly. Such a scene is not often seen.

Differ Dhaka

Such a scene can be seen only a few days of the year. When Eid comes, such a beautiful scene is seen. The terrible scene of the whole year of traffic jam appeared in front of the eyes.

The face of the capital Dhaka has completely changed in the last three days. There is no fleet of vehicles at the signals. No black smoke from the car. Another noise-free environment is the capital city of Dhaka. Now many of those who live in the capital say that they wish it was like this all year round. Many people are impressed by the traffic-free appearance of Dhaka. But how long will this look? Maybe two days if too much. Private offices are closed till Friday and government offices are closed till Saturday. And as such, the old story of traffic jam will start again from Sunday, October 20.

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