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According to Barrister Rafiq-ul Haque: The proposal should be accepted

The Dhaka Times Desk Prominent lawyer Barrister Rafiq-ul Haque feels that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's proposal to form an all-party government should be accepted.

Barrister Rafiq-ul Haque thinks that there can be no better proposal than Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's proposal to form an all-party government given to the nation on Friday. The opposition party should accept this proposal of the Prime Minister.

In his address to the nation, the Prime Minister said that the elections will be held between October 25 and January 24 and he wants the elections to be held with the participation of all parties. The cabinet of the interim government that will be in place at this time can have members of the opposition party. The Prime Minister has called on the opposition party to go to the Parliament and talk about it if necessary. Khabar daily Prothom Alo.

Barrister Rafiq-ul-Haq, in his comments to the media, said that the prime minister did not say anything clear about who will be the head of the interim government. However, he did not say that he will remain in this position. So there is an opportunity to decide who will be the head of government through the Cabinet of Interwarti Government. If the cabinet wants, Sheikh Hasina will remain the head of government, if not, someone else will remain. There is no room for further debate on the matter. He thinks that the problem will increase.

Moreover, the way the Prime Minister spoke about Article 123 of the Constitution, it is clear that the elections will be held with the Parliament intact. That is, MPs will remain in office. This will disrupt the creation of equal opportunities for everyone in the elections in many cases. But in the current crisis that the country is going through, it is better not to exaggerate the matter. On the contrary, the situation of the country will worsen if we overdo it. We have to remember, not everything is available together. Barrister Rafiq-ul Haque, a distinguished lawyer of the country, thinks that all parties have to make concessions in some cases to overcome the crisis.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১৯, ২০১৩ 11:48 am

Staff reporter

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