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Coming soon Nokia's first Windows RT powered tablet Nokia Lumia 2520

The Dhaka Times Desk Nokia is the world's leading mobile giant recently 'Nokia Lumia 2520' has released images of a Windows RT-based tablet named The tablet is the first Windows RT tablet manufactured by Nokia.


Like the Lumia series phones, the Nokia Lumia 2520 tablet is also made of polycarbonate. The Nokia Lumia 2520 tablet will be available in red, white, black or blue-green color combinations. The operating system is Windows 8.1 RT, at the same time the tablet is based on 4G mobile technology. There is a 2.2 GHz Snapdragon Quadcore 800 CPU, a 10.1-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) screen with excellent colors and viewing angles, a 6.7 f/1.9 megapixel camera based on Zeiss optics. The tablet with 2 megapixel camera in front also has advanced technology 8000 mAh battery, USB port 3 for data transfer. 'Nokia Lumia 2520 comes with a separate keyboard accessory with a battery' to enhance the battery backup of the original tablet.Power keyboard' will be available, the 50% will take less than 40 minutes to charge from zero to 8000 mAh battery thanks to the fast charging system.

The price of this Nokia tablet is estimated at 499 US dollars (Bangladeshi about 40000 rupees). However, if you spend an additional $149 (about 12000 rupees), you can get a Surface-style 'power keyboard' (with built-in battery). It will hit the market by the end of this year – until then everyone will have to wait.

Reference: The Tech Journal

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