Categories: recipe

রেসিপিঃ বিফ কারী উইথ পটেটো

The Dhaka Times Desk Today in the beef item for you is beef curry with potato. This item is a beautiful item.


  • # beef 1 kg
  • # ginger paste 2 tbsp
  • # garlic paste 2 tbsp
  • # Onion Kucha Quarter Cup
  • # Turmeric powder 1 tsp
  • # chili powder 2 tbsp
  • # cumin batter 1 tsp
  • # cumin powder 1 tsp
  • # Jaiphal Bata 1
  • # Jayatri Bata 1 piece
  • # potato 250 g
  • # garam masala is like quantity
  • # Chillies 7
  • # Salt to taste
  • # for oil and water cooking
  • Method:

    First, wash the meat and drain the water. Then put the meat in a bowl and put all kinds of batter masala, chili powder, turmeric powder, oil, salt to taste and put it in the oven. After cooking for a while, when the water comes out of the meat, cover with a lid and continue cooking. Stir occasionally. When the water dries up and the oil floats on top of the meat, cumin powder, green chillies and potatoes should be cut into rounds and lightly fried in hot oil and poured over the meat. Remove the meat and potatoes when they are soft. Care should be taken that the meat is very soft. The meat should be simmered in the oven until it becomes soft. Then take it down and serve it hot.

    Recipe written by: Md. Shahadat Hossain, Spectra Catering, Dhaka.

    This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২২, ২০২২ 11:49 am

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