The Dhaka Times
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Syria: Bomb explosion in the mosque. 40 killed

The Dhaka Times Desk There are bomb explosions in Syria again. But this time in the mosque. At least 40 people have been killed.

Syria The mosque bomb blast

According to the media, this powerful car bomb exploded in the Suk Wadi Barada mosque near Damascus, the capital of Syria. At least 40 people including 7 children and women were killed. Another 30 people were injured in this incident. As the condition of many of the injured is serious, the death toll is expected to increase.

The explosion took place yesterday during Friday prayers. The government and the opposition parties are blaming each other for this incident, the media reported.

It should be noted that several terrorist incidents, including car bombs, have increased in Syria recently. Since the fall of the Morsi government, many civilians have been killed.

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