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1700-year-old coffin recovered: the value of which is 2 crore 50 lakh rupees!

The Dhaka Times Desk A 1700-year-old child's coffin was found in a field in Britain. It is believed to be the coffin of a wealthy Roman third-century infant.


The incident began earlier, two kilometers north of the site where the coffin was found by underground treasure hunters. As the Leicestershire approached the field to search, the treasure hunters' metal detectors quickly indicated something metallic underground. Later this coffin was recovered by digging the ground.

However, the exact location where the coffin was found remains a mystery as it is believed to be a burial site for wealthy Christians. The treasure hunters hope to find more treasures here.

This is the name of the coffin rescuer Chris Wright He is 30 years old. Chris Wright About his experience, he said, "I can't explain how I feel. I was so happy to finally find something so special after we spent hours searching in that field. As we search the field, we suddenly hear a faint sound on the metal detector. At first we thought of avoiding it and digging and then going a little deeper into the ground we found this coffin.


He added, "We knew it was going to be something special." We jump for joy when we realize it is such an archetype. But now many questions are being born among everyone why this child was buried here or when the actual burial time or when! But finding answers to some questions is really difficult.


David Hutchings "The coffin was about 4 feet deep in the ground, but we had no problem finding it because it was made entirely of lead," he said of the discovery. We haven't opened the coffin yet but it looks like it's a child's coffin and it's a noble Christian burial from the early third century.


He added, “We immediately inform the police after finding the coffin, and we ensure its safety from robbers until the police arrive. It is a coffin made entirely of lead and will cost Rs 2.5 crore.”

Sources said that this highly valuable coffin has now been removed from the field and kept in a safe place.

Courtesy: BBC

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