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[Research] Facebook is becoming the main medium for sharing news

The Dhaka Times Desk Currently the world's largest and most popular social media is Facebook. Through Facebook, news is quickly spreading among people. As a result, researchers say that Facebook is the main news sharing medium today.

Facebook all Over the World

A huge part of the world's population is now using Facebook. As a result, many commercial and news media targeting these users are giving their Facebook page or ads on Facebook. And the timeline of Facebook users is being filled with news and information. Through this very easily users are getting news and information on various topics instantly.

A study by The Pew Research Institute found that only 64 percent of American adults use Facebook, and very few of them subscribe to outside news media. Most of them are subscribing media news with various news media through Facebook.

This study by The Pew showed that 30 percent of people in America get news through Facebook. Which is truly a breakthrough number. Among them, 70 percent of people get news on Facebook again, so they don't feel the need to listen or read any outside news. The management of Facebook is such that if someone does not see any news and if any of his friends like or comment or share it, it can be seen on the user's timeline.

Director of Journalism at The Pew Research Institute said that people come to Facebook to share their feelings and personal matters with their friends, but this idea is no longer there because now Facebook is a huge market with a large number of users and everything is available here. The news media have Facebook pages, so users can check the news of all those news sites on Facebook if they want."


Research also shows that through Facebook, a news can spread very quickly among millions of users with just a share button.

Meanwhile, a survey among new Facebook users showed that two-thirds of them click on various news related links and 60 percent of users comment or like some news post. 30 percent of users discuss news posts among themselves.

Currently, Facebook is also being used as a news delivery medium in Bangladesh. Many Bangladeshis are getting country politics or entertainment news very easily on Facebook.

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