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Soon we will have the opportunity to see the world from space in a balloon

The Dhaka Times Desk What was unthinkable so far will now be possible by flying in a helium balloon as a passenger, 100,000 feet above the space, very close to the space, from where the beauty of the world can be observed. But you have to count about 60 lakh rupees!


This opportunity is being offered by a ballooning company that has undertaken the project as part of a project called Walled View. A helium balloon with six passengers and two crew members in a capsule will fly 18 miles above the Earth's surface, close to space, the ballooning company said.

Meanwhile, the company has announced that test flights will be conducted sometime next year from the states of New Mexico and Arizona.

An official video of the balloon flight shows a giant helium balloon carrying a capsule flying into the sky. The balloon is bigger than a football field.


A message from the company informed that after taking off, the passengers can observe the beauty of the world for about 2 hours before returning to the earth.

The balloon with passengers will fly to an altitude of approximately 100,000 feet which has never been imagined before. This height is 10 times higher than normal balloon height! Balloons are usually limited to an altitude of 3,000 feet. An altitude of 100,000 feet is considered very close to space. For this trip, a group of six passengers will travel together but each person will have to spend about 60 lakh rupees separately.


The entire journey will be 4 hours after which the passenger capsule will separate from the balloon and descend to Earth. However, in this case, the capsule will not come down at a high speed like Sky Drive because there is a possibility of harming the passengers, so when the capsule gets close to the ground, the special parachute will open and its speed will decrease and the landing will be much slower and more comfortable.

Let's take a look at how the passengers will see the world using helium

Thank you:

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