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Automatic Rotimatic machine makes bread in 1 minute

The Dhaka Times Desk Ruti is a name known to all of us Bengalis. However, as much as many people do not like to eat bread, they are more reluctant to make it. Today I will tell you about a bread machine that can make bread in minutes.


The machine is called Rotimatic which can automatically make perfect round shaped bread for you in just 1 minute. It can make 20 loaves of bread at a time by filling it with flour. It allows you to control the thickness of the bread according to your preference and also has good settings for those who prefer less or more oil or none at all.

In our house, the size of our homemade bread is a source of much laughter, but with Rotimatic you can easily make all the loaves of the same size.

How bread will be made in Rotimatic machine: Rotimatic has three separate chambers in which flour, water, oil should be added separately and the size and shape of the bread you want should be fixed. After that press the switch and wait for your turn, the loaves will come out one by one.


This machine is very easy to operate and can be placed anywhere to make bread. It is available in neighboring countries including our country India.


Now watch the video how Rotimatic works:

[VIDEO] [VIDEO] Amazing Rotimatic machine makes 1 roti per minute, fully automatic – The Dhaka Times

[Video] Amazing Rotimatic machine makes 1 roti per minute, fully automatic, details –

Posted by The Dhaka Times on Wednesday, September 30, 2015

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Source: cnet

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