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The smartphone will understand the language of the brain and the video will start if you like it!

The Dhaka Times Desk Whether one person understands the feelings of likes and dislikes in another person's mind or not, smartphones have started to understand that language in the continuation of technology excellence. The device will understand the language of the user's mind by analyzing brain waves through sensors.


In order to understand the mood of the user, the smartphone has to be connected with the device, the name is Neurocam. The neurocam device will connect the smartphone to the head with the help of a special headband, not by hand. From there, this device will try to understand the user's brain waves with the help of sensors. If the sensor of the NeuroCam detects that an object, person or event around the user feels good, it will automatically start recording its video. After recording, the device converts the video into a GIF image.

Now the question is how does this machine understand that the user's feelings of love are working? When a good feeling works in our brain, there is a change in the brain waves immediately. And that's what NeuroCam measures on a scale with values from 0 to 100. If the wave level exceeds the 60th cell of the scale, the device starts recording video. It determines where the user is looking with the help of an attached prism.

The device was demonstrated at the 'Human Sensing' seminar held in Japan last week. Neurocam is part of a continuum of advancements in 'neurowear', a wearable device that understands the brain's language on its own. However, it is a bit heavier than other neurowires as it has a mobile phone attached.

References: Engadget

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