The Dhaka Times
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At any cost, Hefazet Islam will hold a mass meeting at Shapla Square on November 15

The Dhaka Times Desk At any cost, Hefazat Islam has announced a mass meeting on November 15. Meanwhile, this news has again started anxiety and excitement among the residents of the capital.

Shapla premises

Meanwhile, Hefazat Islam has requested the government to allow the gathering to avoid conflict as the government has not yet given permission. This was said in a statement of the Dhaka Metropolitan Committee of Hefazet Islam on Sunday evening. Hefazat Islam suspended the gathering at the north gate of Baitul Mukarram National Mosque last Friday due to lack of permission.

On the other hand, a political party named Tariqat Federation has called for a rally at Shapla Square on November 15 demanding the banning of Jamaat-e-Islami. Hefjat-e-Islam alleged that the government has called a counter rally with the Tariqat to cancel their mass meeting. Meanwhile, after this complaint, Tariqat General Secretary M Awal told the media that Hefazat Islam is not a counter-programme, but our rally is to ban Jamaat-Shibir and demand an all-party government.

Last Saturday, Allama Ahmad Shafi announced the program of mass gatherings in Sylhet on November 7, Khulna on November 8, Chittagong on November 12 and 13 and Dhaka on November 15. Secretary General of Hefazat Islam Maulana Junayed Babu Nagari warned the government, "if the mass gathering of Dhaka, Chittagong is prevented, millions of dead will be killed."

Meanwhile, everyone is worried about Hefazet Islami's call for a rally at Shapla Square in the capital and the adamant stance of the government. Because the residents of the city cannot help but be alarmed by the incident that happened in Shapla Chatter earlier. The residents of the capital hope that the government will settle the issue peacefully.

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