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The 84-hour hartal of 18 groups begins. 1 person was killed in Chittagong

The Dhaka Times Desk BNP-led 18-party coalition has started a 84-hour strike. 1 person was killed in Chittagong.

The 18-party alliance called a 72-hour strike for the third consecutive time on Friday afternoon to demand a non-partisan government. After the strike program was announced, BNP Standing Committee members Barrister Maudud Ahmad, MK Anwar and Barrister Rafiqul Islam Miah and BNP Chairperson's advisor Abdul Awal Mintu and Khaleda Zia's special assistant Shamsur Rahman Shimul Biswas were dramatically arrested on Friday night. And the hartal called by the 18-party alliance was extended for another 12 hours on Saturday in protest against the arrest.

This hartal of 18 groups started from 6 am on Sunday. However, there is widespread fear among the public. Because the violence that happened in the last two strikes, people cannot help but be alarmed.

Normal vehicles including minibuses, tempos, CNG, autorickshaws are plying in the capital. However, no long-distance bus left. Markets in the capital are closed. However, the work in the office-court, bank-insurance is normal. JSC and JDC exams have been postponed again due to strike. A cameraman of Channel 24 was injured when a cocktail exploded in front of the Chhatra Dal procession in front of Mirpur Bangla College.

1 person was killed when an autorickshaw overturned after being chased by picketers at Madunaghat in Chittagong. 3 trucks were set on fire at Kumarkhali in Kushtia. 1 bus was set on fire by hartal supporters in Bheramara.

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It is to be noted that 18 party alliances observed hartal for 60 hours in the last two weeks demanding elections under non-partisan government. Widespread violence occurred during these strikes. Many people were injured.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১০, ২০১৩ 11:11 am

Staff reporter

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