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The postmortem report found evidence of Zia Khan's murder

The Dhaka Times Desk The confusion surrounding the suicide of popular Indian actress Zia Khan has become almost clear after the post-mortem report came out. The post mortem report found evidence of Zia Khan's murder.

Zia khan

The post mortem report says that it was not suicide but murder. In early October, Zia's mother Rabia Khan went to court demanding an investigation into her daughter's suicide. The court then ordered the Zulu police station to start investigating the incident. News media.

According to the new autopsy report, human flesh and blood was found in the fingernails of the dead Zia. Apart from this, signs of coercion were also found on him. Blood was also detected on Zia's underwear.

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The report also mentioned that alcohol was found in his body. From this it is assumed that someone else could have easily hanged him by making him unconscious by using alcohol. As a result of the new information coming to light, there is a possibility that Zia's body may be re-examined.

It should be noted that on June 3, 25-year-old actress Zia was found hanging in her own residence. Her mother Rabia Khan alleged that Zia's then boyfriend Sooraj Panchali was responsible for the murder. Various discussions have been going on for the past few months. Many people close to Zia think that Zia cannot commit suicide. Many believe he was murdered and hanged.

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