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Scientists have found the secret of the construction of the royal palace known as the 'Forbidden City' in China

The Dhaka Times Desk Finally, scientists have found the secret of the construction of the royal palace known as the 'forbidden city' in Beijing, the capital of China. Scientists have been puzzled for a long time by the question of how this palace was built to accommodate the huge stone chai nearly six hundred years ago without the help of modern inventions such as combustion engines or hydraulic cranes.


The construction of this palace lasted from 1406 to 1420 during the reign of China's Ming Dynasty. Consisting of many scattered buildings, the palace was constructed using huge stone blocks, which were about 30 feet in length and weighed more than 100 tons. So, naturally, the question arises in the mind of the builders, how was it possible to raise these stones so high and arrange them perfectly without any kind of advanced equipment. Princeton University engineer Howard Stone and his two Chinese colleagues, Jiang Li and Haosheng Chen, recently wrote an article in the journal Nature about the solution to this mystery using very basic laws of physics. In the article, they write, the use of the wheel began in China around 1500 BC. Besides, they were also familiar with sled cars pulled on snow for carrying heavy goods. And they used roads made of ice to put the stones of this palace built in the fifteenth century in the right place. In addition, the use of ice in the construction industry of the Ming period is quite noticeable. Some paintings on the floor of the palace also indicate the use of ice roads. This method is still used in some parts of China.

As for the reason for pulling stones over icy roads, Stone said, 'Wheels capable of carrying such a weight were not yet made in China. 50 to 100 workers can pull a wheel weighing 100 tons, creating enough comfort. The snow is hard, flat and slippery enough to drag.'

References: ibtimes

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