Categories: international news

Spacewalk with the 2014 Winter Olympic torch in space

The Dhaka Times Desk Until now, the torch of the Olympic Games, known as the Greatest Show on Earth, has been taken around the world to the main venue, but this time a new dimension has been added because this time the Olympic torch has been taken to space.

The Olympic torch is the main attraction of the world sports event, but it is carried into space under the supervision of astronauts from Russia, the United States and Japan, and there, outside the space shuttle, the torch is carried out in open space. But in this case keeping in mind the safety issue, the torch has been carried in the space in a non-lit state. Astronauts with torches do space walk in space for about 6 hours.

Pictured are 3 astronauts carrying torches from Earth.

The two astronauts carrying the torch are named Oleg Kotov And Sergey Ryazansky Both of them are citizens of Russia. They were accompanied by three other astronauts as they carried out routine routine tasks outside the spacecraft carrying the Olympic torch. Full view of space walk with torch Sergey Ryazansky It is captured by a camera mounted on its head.

In a few days, the torch of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games will be brought back to earth.

Before this, however, the Olympic Games torch was carried into space once again during the Atlanta Summer Olympics held in the United States in 1996, but there was no spacewalk with the torch in open space outside of a service spacecraft.

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Note that the 2014 Winter Olympic Games will be held in Russia. It will start on February 7th at the Sochi Stadium in Russia and will continue until February 23rd.

Source: The TechJournal

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১২, ২০১৩ 11:09 am


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