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Golden iPhone 5S coming to the market!

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular smartphone manufacturer Apple This time golden color iPhone The online news agency US Today has published the news that it is bringing to the market.


According to information sources, September 10th Apple Their gold iPhone 5S may announce its exit from the market. US Today told Apple this time iPhone Several models are likely to be announced, including the Apple iPhone 5S, a cheaper iPhone in a variety of colors.

In the meantime, there are rumors that Apple's chief executive Tim Cook will announce the iPhones on September 10, including the low-cost modern plastic case iPhone and the gold-colored iPhone 5S.

Meanwhile, online sources say that these new iPhones are being made in Thailand. Other sources related to the iPhone said that the new iPhones coming to the market will have some special changes, such as the camera quality will be much improved in the new iPhone, and a faster processor will be added to it. It is believed that the fingerprint technology will be added to the iPhone 5S.

Recently, in the current financial year, iPhone lost its smartphone market to another smartphone manufacturer, Samsung. The iPhone market has decreased to 14.2 percent and Samsung has occupied 31.7 percent of the market.

So Apple is looking to regain its lost smartphone market with new iPhone models and cheaper modern iPhones.

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