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Illustrated: Some of the world's most dangerous airport stories

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many airports in the world. Hundreds of planes take off and land at these airports every day. But there are some airports that are extremely dangerous.


The stories of some such dangerous airports will be presented to you today. This is one of the unknown stories. The story of dangerous 3 airports is made in collaboration with Dainik Yugantar Online.

Santa Cruz Airport

This airport is located in Santa Cruz, Portugal. It was built in 1964. The airport was once famous for its short runway. The problem of this airport is the high mountains. As this airport is surrounded by high mountains and sea, it is very difficult to land even for experienced pilots. The original runway of this airport was 1400 meters long which was later extended by another 400 meters. However, its runway was doubled in 2003.


Princess Juliana International Airport

This airport is located in Saint Martin in the Eastern Caribbean region. This airport is the 2nd busiest airport in the region. This airport was built in 1942 before World War II. It was named after Empress Juliana of the Netherlands in 1944 when she first landed at the airport. The landing strip of this airport is very short which is only about 2180 meters.

airport juliana

Churchwell Airport

Many people may know that France's Cherchevel is a big ski area. This airport is located with a very short runway. Pilots have to approach the slope of the runway at very low speed during landing and at very high speed during take-off. Only private or chartered planes and helicopters are allowed to operate at this airport. There is news if you are not a seasoned pilot to land at this airport.


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