The Dhaka Times
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Imran Khan sang Safai for Quader Mullah

The Dhaka Times Desk Former cricketer Imran Khan, the head of Pakistan's political party Tehreek-e-Insaf, has defended Quader Mullah, who is convicted of war crimes.

Imran Khan

In a speech, Imran Khan said, "Kader Mullah is innocent, the allegations on the basis of which Bangladesh sentenced him to death are also false." Imran Khan said, "The fall of Dhaka" on December 16, 1971 showed us with a finger in our eyes - the whole matter should have been settled democratically at that time. Imran Khan claimed this in a speech given to the National Assembly of Pakistan on Monday. Radio Pakistan reported The Express Tribune today on Tuesday.

It should be noted that a resolution was passed in the National Assembly of Pakistan on Monday condemning the execution of Quader Mullah. When Pakistan Jamaat MP Sher Akbar Khan raised this proposal, the ruling party Muslim League supported it. Apart from this, Imran Khan's Tehreek-e-Insaf, Awami Muslim League, Pakistan Muslim League (Quaid-e-Azam) and Jamiat Ulama Islam supported the proposal.

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