Nisan brings modern design BladeGlider car for car lovers

The Dhaka Times Desk Nissan is going ahead with all the other car manufacturers to bring the Trapezoidal BladeGlider car with a revolutionary design.

Nishan's The Trapezoidal BladeGlider car is remarkable not only because of its design but also because of its high-tech electric engine and modern management. Its less aerodynamic engine has more power than other engines using the same power. Its battery and engine are positioned in such a way that it is able to reduce its weight considerably.

The Trapezoidal BladeGlider, on the other hand, is designed to cut through the wind and move forward quickly. Its technology is capable of generating the electricity required for motor vehicles on wheels and is environmentally friendly.

Nissan said in a press release, “We have had many designs and ideas for electric vehicles, among which the Nissan BladeGlider is the most groundbreaking. We hope to emerge as the world's leading electric car manufacturer very soon. Nissan is very optimistic about its upcoming vehicle, the BladeGlider, as its design and capabilities are expected to create a new response to Nissan among customers.”

Nissan's trapezoidal BladeGlider car will undoubtedly be able to attract the youth in terms of design. Currently, all car manufacturers are designing their cars keeping in mind the changes that will come in the automobile of the future, this new trapezoidal BladeGlider of Nissan deserves real praise.

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Nissan said it plans to introduce the trapezoidal BladeGlider at this month's Tokyo Motor Show in Tokyo, Japan.

চলুন ভিডিও’তে নিশান trapezoidal BladeGlider বিস্তারিত দেখে নিইঃ

Note that earlier for Nissan car drivers Modern technology smart watch And Automatic car made

Source: The TechJournal

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ২, ২০১৭ 10:05 am


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