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Artificial parts of the human body are being made through 3D printers

The Dhaka Times Desk Perhaps the greatest invention of the 21st century is the 3D printing machine. This well-known machine has been widely used in architecture, garment industry, engineering and technical work. But its use in medical field is increasing day by day.


After the 3D printer's origin, its use was only on the technical side, especially in the manufacture of touch chips, its use in the manufacture of ICs was notable. Later its use was expanded in many other directions. It includes everything from airplane fan, car motor to mechanical and many more. Artificial bionic limbs are now being manufactured through this 3D printer machine. Bioprinting is done with thermoplastics using organic inks through 3D screening technology. Then various parts of the human body are made through it. Let's take a look at the various organs that have been made using 3D printing machines so far.


1. crown of the head

A 3D printed crown has been successfully placed on a patient's head at a hospital in Holland. The doctors there told them that this patient was suffering from chronic bone pain. His skull was about 5 cm thick. As a result, it hit the sensitive area of the brain. The patient was also likely to die as a result. As a result, this 3D printing crown was placed on his head.

2. artificial eyes


UK based research firm Frap design Recently made 150 synthetic eyes through 3D printing. Research is already underway to see if these eyes can be used in future eye transplants. Blindness due to accident or birth is not feasible for people in many countries of the world as eye replacement is very expensive. In such cases, this synthetic bionic eye is expected to lead the way. India has already shown interest in this synthetic bionic eye. The FRAP design company is developing this synthetic eye in collaboration with Manchester Metropolitan University Hospital in the UK. They hope to use this bionic eye in eye transplants from next year.

3. nose and ears


Frapp Design is collaborating with the University of Sheffield to develop synthetic noses and ears. Through 3D facial scanning of patients, the structural features of their nose and ears can be informed. Through this type of scanning, patients are informed about skin pigment and skin density. Then using the patient's analyzed data through a 3D printer, bionic pigment, starch powder and silicone are mixed to create a replica of the nose and ears in the shape of the patient's face. It is then transplanted into the patient's body through surgery. Medical experts believe that this procedure will be very effective in case of accidental loss of limbs. Researchers at Cornell University in the US are making these synthetic noses and ears in a completely different way. They are making a kind of mold or kai through 3D printing. Artificial nose and ears are created by mixing the ink gel made by the moss with real cells. To make these printed synthetic limbs, cartilage from a type of animal cell called bubbin and collagen from rat cells are used. All these ingredients are kept in the incubator for three months.

4. artificial skin

James Wee worked at the Walk Forest School of Medicine. He is currently researching how to replace synthetic skin for burn patients. He is creating synthetic skin through a 3D printer with artificial ink made of enzymes and collagen. This synthetic skin usually consists of two layers. Its upper layer of skin is used as outer skin. And the bottom layer is related to the inner layer or cells. The synthetic skin transplant process must be precise, so scanning of the patient's body is done during this type of skin transplant.

5. Different parts of the body


Thermoplastics have opened a new path in medicine. As a result, it is now very easy to create printed hands, arms and individual fingers. Richard van Robohand, director of the company, has already developed synthetic hands and fingers. Now they are researching hands and fingers that can function like real hands. They are creating these synthetic hands and fingers through a 3D printer, combining aluminum polytectide and stainless steel with thermoplastic. Contains functional mechanical parts that will act like a real hand. They have already carried out experimental transplants of this synthetic arm in Sudan. The name of this project is “Project Daniel”. 14-year-old Daniel Omar lost an arm to a bomb during the civil war in Sudan. Now his body has been replaced with a synthetic hand made by Robohand.

In 2011, researchers at Washington State University in the United States announced the first 3D printing of bones. They say we may soon see these synthetic bone replacements. The unprecedented change in medicine that has started with the benefit of 3D printers, is expected to benefit people in a wider way in the near future.

Reference: CNN

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