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Know the easy way to get rid of foot odor

The Dhaka Times Desk Most of those who wear shoes have smelly feet. This is a big problem. Due to the stench, one has to go somewhere and study in irony. Learn an easy way to get rid of foot odor.

get rid of foot odor

Usually on hot days, feet sweat and have the problem of foot odor. And because of this stench you have to suffer in many ways. Due to the smell of feet, there is a problem when going somewhere or to any program. Because if there is a topic of opening shoes in that program, then there is no word. The stench started as soon as the shoes were opened.

Many people feel ashamed because of smelly shoes. But it doesn't take much to avoid this problem. Only felana tea leaves are enough.

# Re-boil the used tea leaves in which you brewed the tea with water and make the liqueur.

# Then soak the feet in warm yolk of this liquor for at least 20 minutes.

# If you want, you can also do this with a tea bag in warm water with turmeric. By using it regularly, you will get rid of foot odor.

Then you will see that even though the feet sweat, there is no smell in the socks or feet. In this way, you can get rid of foot odor.
