The Dhaka Times
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What you can do to avoid Ebola

The Dhaka Times Desk Currently, Ebola has emerged as the greatest threat to global health security. Newly this virus is appearing in different countries of the world. Although this virus has not been seen in our country, we all must be aware.


We are a developing country and it will be very difficult to deal with the spread of Ebola in our country, because the population density of Bangladesh is very high and Ebola spreads from one carrier to another through human contact. So be aware.


Already, some expatriates have arrived in our country from Liberia, an Ebola-affected country, but the Bangladesh government has kept them under observation for 21 days. Also, if there are Ebola patients around us or if we have symptoms of Ebola among ourselves, then we need to do something immediately. In the picture below, see what we need to do to prevent Ebola and what steps we need to take.


Watch the picture and share with everyone and know yourself and tell others. I hope you all are aware of Ebola in Bangladesh.

Acknowledgments - Darwin 21st Century

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