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Now you can know the risk by heart scan!

The Dhaka Times Desk A heart scan is required to know the condition of your heart. Then you can easily know your heart risk.

Researchers have developed a heart scan machine that scans to know the risk of heart attack or heart disease. It has been said that in this newly developed method, it can be easily identified whether there is dangerous plaque in the coronary artery known as the heart's nutrient provider. We know that these fatty plaques break down and block blood flow in the arteries, causing blood clots. Due to this, the blood flow is completely obstructed and the heart is deprived of necessary nutrients. In such a situation, a heart attack occurs.

Scientists at the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom conducted a long-term study on a new method of heart scanning to determine the risk of heart attack. Their research paper was published in the 'Lancet Medical Journal'. More than 100,000 people suffer heart attacks in the UK every year. Besides, many people are losing their lives due to heart disease all over the world. Dainik Samakal Online gave this news citing BBC Online.

Researchers use radioactive tracers to detect dangerous plaque in the heart. With this tracer, they found active and dangerous plaques. High resolution images of the heart and blood vessels are attached to this tracer.

The researchers also said that not all types of plaque increase the risk of heart attack. However, in 37% of patients in this study, dangerous plaque was responsible.

One of the research team is a cardiologist. Mark Dweck said, "If we can detect plaques that are dangerous to the heart and treat them or fix the plaques, then heart attacks can be prevented and people can die easily."

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In this regard, Professor Peter Weisberg, Medical Director of the British Heart Foundation, said, "If we are able to identify the dangerous fatty plaque responsible for heart attacks, there will be no problem even if the conventional heart examination is not done. It has been reported that the researchers have confirmed these things after long research.

This post was last modified on জুন ২৯, ২০১৬ 5:43 pm

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