The Dhaka Times Desk অনলাইনের জগতের বিকৃত যৌনাচারের আরেক নাম ‘ওয়েবক্যাম চাইল্ড সেক্স’| দুঃখজনক ব্যাপার হচ্ছে এই বিকৃত এবং ঘৃণ্য কাজে আগ্রহী বাংলাদেশেও বিদ্যমান। শিশু যৌননিপীড়ণ বিষয়ে গনসচেতনতা বৃদ্ধি এবং যৌনপীড়কদের চিহ্নিত করতে নেদারল্যান্ড ভিত্তিক দাতব্য সংস্থা তেরে দেস হোমসের Names of 1,000 sex offenders including 4 Bangladeshis have come out in a mission.
An operation called 'Undercover Operation' was launched by Terre des Hommes. The objective is to identify child molesters and create awareness about the gravity of the issue. The fictional and animated child character Sweetie was created with the help of computer programming for this hide and seek mission. This 10-year-old Filipina cutie was introduced to the chatroom.
From there comes out the true face of nasty child molesters. Over a period of about 70 days, 20,000 people tried to have sex with Sweety – many making sexually harassing comments. Among them, 1,000 people tried to have sex with the sweetie through webcam in exchange for money. And there are 4 Bangladeshi nationals among 1,000 sex offenders in 71 countries worldwide - which is very shameful for our country.
The list of names of sex offenders and video reports made by Terre des Hommes have been handed over to the police.
The video report shows – about their modus operandi. Personal information, pictures, videos of sexual abusers given while chatting with Sweetie are collected without hacking the computer. And by verifying that information it is possible to know about their real identity, phone number and address. The information was handed over to Interpol on November 4.
The list compiled by "Tere des Hommes" includes 110 Britons, 254 Americans, 103 Indians, 20 Pakistanis and 4 Bangladeshis.
Video report
According to the United Nations survey, there are about 750,000 child sexual abusers online every day. It is understood that it is not very easy to save children from the hands of these perverted mental monsters. It is difficult because many people use prepaid credit cards with fake names and untraceable owners to do this dirty work. So, there is no substitute for awareness. It is difficult to stop this abominable social decay without proper law enforcement, severe punishment, earnest police efforts. Yet everyone's participation is essential to creating a safer world for children and a safer online world – hopefully everyone will be aware of this.
Reference: Tere des Hommes
This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১৩, ২০১৩ 11:18 am
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