Categories: international news

The 1700-year-old highly valuable coffin was opened; Whose body was in it?

The Dhaka Times Desk The 1700-year-old precious lead coffin found four feet below ground in a field in Leicestershire, Britain, has finally been opened. When the coffin was opened, many old bracelets and various body parts of the baby girl were found.


It was previously believed that the dead body of a child of a rich family was cremated in it. Experts opened the coffin and found that a lot of soil had entered it due to its long stay underground, the first of which were two very precious bracelets that could be worn by the baby girl.

Meanwhile, the expert in charge of opening the coffin Stuart Palmer "We thought it was a child's coffin, and when we opened the coffin, we found signs that there was a lot of mud, so we had to slowly open it up," he said. First of all we found two arm bracelets or bangles of the child which are very valuable archeological artifacts. Such bangles indicate that the child in the coffin is a female child, because at that time these bangles were used as women's jewellery.”

Stuart Palmer He also said, "We are trying to find various parts of the child's body. We have already managed to recover the child's bone fragments from the coffin. These will be sent for more detailed examination."

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Meanwhile, across Britain, there has been a stir about this baby's coffin, researchers are already trying to decide on a respectable Roman name for the baby, an online public opinion poll will be conducted on the initially selected names, from which the name with the highest number of votes will be chosen for the baby. If you want to vote here You can go and vote.

Some names have already been selected

  • Oriens means radiant like the sun
  • Loquor means I speak
  • Aperio means to spread
  • Addo means to encourage
  • Accendo means child

Meanwhile, researchers are currently focusing on examining the recovered bones of the child, researchers said after conducting chemical tests, more details will be known about the child, including the mystery of the child's death.

Earlier, the members of a metal detecting club retrieved this coffin from deep in the ground, to know about the news Click here.

Source: Dailymail

This post was last modified on মে ২৯, ২০২৩ 2:46 pm


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