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Your smartphone camera will hack your password!

The Dhaka Times Desk As new security systems are being developed regarding the security of smartphones, the method of hacking smartphones by evading the security system is also increasing. Recently, it was found that even the camera of the phone can help hackers to find the PIN code that the user has typed.


Smartphones are now widely used in developed countries for important financial information and large sums of money transactions. It is no exaggeration to say that banking and money transfer applications have turned smartphones into wallets. Therefore, day by day the attention of hackers is increasing towards smartphones. Recently, scientists at the University of Cambridge have experimentally found a way to extract the PIN typed on a smartphone using a camera. However, this PIN code-extracting malware, developed by Rose Anderson and Laurent Simson, is not yet available. The malware has so far shown 30 percent success in extracting four-word PINs. This effort of scientists is to find out the flaws in the security system of smartphones.

When the user starts typing the PIN to pick up his smartphone, the phone's microphone will first detect that he has started using the smartphone. Just typing on the phone will activate the microphone when it vibrates. Then the microphone will activate the phone's camera. The camera will work, the user's hands are detected exactly in which position. Usually typing any kind of code on a smartphone is done using one hand. And the numbers on the touchscreen keypad are mostly in the same place. So by taking a picture or video of the position of the hand, the pin code can be extracted from it. Once the pictures are taken, this malware hidden in the phone will upload the pictures to the designated location using WiFi without the user's knowledge. And the malware won't even use LED lights to take pictures, so that the user doesn't notice its existence. To avoid this type of malware, scientists have suggested transactions using applications like TrustZone, which shuts down all the phone's sensors during transactions.

References: CNN

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