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The series of blockades comes after the schedule was announced to prevent 'one-party' elections

The Dhaka Times Desk The government is now preparing for a 'one-party' election without an opposition party, instead of meeting the demand for elections under a non-party government. In this situation, the 18-party alliance is going to give continuous blockade program after announcing the election schedule.

After the failure of talks with the government regarding the elections, when the government party Awami League is going to prepare for the elections without the main opposition party, the opposition parties and the 18-party alliance are going to undertake different programs to prevent the elections. Meanwhile, 18 teams have gone on strike for 60 hours in the first 2 weeks of three consecutive weeks and then for 84 hours.

In the current situation, the 18 alliance led by BNP has taken the strategy of all-out movement while keeping the leaders in hiding. They think that important leaders will be arrested if they come out on the streets. As a result, there is a possibility that the field level leaders and activists will become leaderless at this important time of the movement. That is why party chief Khaleda Zia agreed in principle to remain in hiding to avoid arrest. However, even if the top leaders are in secret, they should maintain constant contact with the Trinamool and manage them in the field of the movement, the chairperson also has that instruction.

On the other hand, the BNP has officially rejected the steps that the government is going to take to form an all-party government. If the election schedule is announced without agreement with the opposition party, the BNP or the 18-party alliance has prepared a continuous blockade program to resist it at any cost.

Without compromise, the opposition party will launch a continuous blockade program as soon as the election schedule is announced. The opposition party alliance will take a program to paralyze the country through total blockade of roads, railways and waterways. It is believed that the government will be forced with such a tough program to accept the demand for elections under a non-partisan government. But time will tell which direction the country's political situation will turn. And for that you don't have to wait too long.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১৩, ২০১৩ 3:48 pm

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