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A dog named Rupee on the way to win Everest for the first time!

The Dhaka Times Desk It must have been common knowledge as a child that space was first traversed Laika A dog named Now the dog is on its way to conquer the world's highest peak, Everest, for the first time.RsA dog named In the meantime, five thousand 364 meters or 17 thousand 598 feet up to Rs. Note that the height of Everest is 8848 meters.


This is the dog's name Rs, owned by former South African golfer Joan Lefson. He rescued the dog from a garbage dump in northern India. After taking it home, Adar took care of the dog by giving it rice and boiled eggs every day.


Lefson And Rupee reached the base camp of Everest after 10 days of continuous climbing. Which is 17 thousand feet above sea level.


Daily Mail In an interview, Lefson said, “When I found him he was lying in a pile of rubble waiting to die. If I had delayed another hour he could have died. At first he was so weak that he would fall if he walked for more than ten minutes.”


Rs Maybe he will leave after conquering Everest, but in the meantime, Rupee has set another record! Rupi is the only dog in the world that has climbed so high through the ice!


Rs Lefson hired a porter to carry him when he got tired!


Lefson is one Veterinarian After consulting with him, he went out to conquer Everest with Rs. Before the consultation, he thought Rupi might suffer from altitude sickness on Everest.


The vet informed him, “Rupee's physical condition is very good, there is no chance of suffering from altitude sickness. And the rupee was born at the foot of the Himalayas!”


At base camp On arrival, Lefson said, “Rupee is sleeping and resting here on the ice. Rest ate the last rupee of ice and wandered around with joy!”


Lefson had previously planned for her to be another dog Oscar's Conquer Everest with. But sadly, Oscar died in a car accident in California in January. It is noted that he went on a world tour with Oscar.

Reference: BuzzFeed
