Facebook has changed the security system for users

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook's security system is changing step by step, this time Facebook has changed their security system again after taking a long public opinion poll.

Websites reflected in girls eyeWebsites reflected in girls eye

In short:

  • Changes in Likes and Interest Shares.
  • Innovation in tag suggestions.
  • Changes in the conditions for opening Facebook accounts of minors.

Details: Facebook said they have made some changes regarding their user's likes and interests such as if a user likes a page or ad, it will show the user's friends in the news feed, at the same time if a user goes to like a page or ad, he will see who his friends are there. Interested in that topic will see it. For example, if you like sweets and like the page of a sweet manufacturer, your friends will see it and like the page if they are also interested in sweets.

Facebook has also made changes to tag suggestions. If a photo of you is uploaded on Facebook by a friend or someone else, a message will be displayed at the time of its upload, there will be a notification about tagging the person in this photo, if the person who uploaded your photo gives OK in the message, you will get a notification if you want to keep the tag. Or you can download it. Which wasn't automatic before and wasn't in everyone's profile. Now this opportunity is available to all Facebook users.

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In the case of posts such as status or picture sharing, even if a post was previously shared only with Fend, if a friend commented or liked it, then the friends of that friend could see it in their news feed. Now Facebook has announced that people will only share personal information with whom they want to share it because Facebook is determined to put user safety first.

Before opening a Facebook account for minors, a message was displayed saying that if you are a minor, get your parent's permission. But since Facebook is giving an opportunity to open their ID, this message is very confusing, so Facebook will not show this message from now on.

Source: The TechJournal And Facebook


"Great as father's money, poor as my own money. Ultimate I consider myself poor. Because of father's money, Futani Marina."

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