Categories: Science-invention

Zebra fish 70% gene is the same as humans! (research)

The Dhaka Times Desk The researchers found that 701 TP3T genes in the body of the zebra fish corresponded to the human gene, making this fish a special subject of research for the researchers.

After finding this similarity of human genes with zebra fish, scientists began to analyze the nature and functions of zebra fish and they witnessed some remarkable phenomena.

According to the research of the National Academy of Sciences, the body of this decomposing small fish has a special compound called cadaverine, which is full of genes compatible with human genes. In addition, these zebra fish are able to send different signals to each other to warn of danger. When exposed to harmful chemicals, different parts of the fish's body glow bright green to indicate physical damage.

By researching zebra fish, scientists will be able to discover new information about how different chemicals can harm the entire animal world and human body and which parts of the body.

On the other hand, scientists also say that these zebra fish can regenerate their damaged hearts by themselves. In addition, through the reactor in its body, it can send a warning if there is any poisonous food in front of it.

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Using zebra fish has been able to solve the mystery of some previously rare diseases. As a result, recently scientists are conducting special research on zebra fish.

Source: The TechJournal

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১৮, ২০১৩ 10:20 am


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