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To fulfill the wishes of a child with cancer, the city of San Francisco is arranged in the city of Batman!

The Dhaka Times Desk The child's name is Miles Scott. He is suffering from leukemia cancer. His wish is to protect the city of San Francisco as Batman from evil forces.


In short:

  • Make a Wish is a wish fulfillment foundation, they vow to fulfill the wishes of people suffering from terminal diseases.
  • Miles Scott is a child with leukemia cancer.
  • The entire event was organized to put a smile on the face of Miles Scott, a child with cancer.

Details: Make a Wish The entire city of San Francisco became Batman City at the initiative of the foundation, while everyone in the city of San Francisco declared solidarity with the great initiative of Make a Wish. Everyone encourages young kid Miles Scott in different ways. Although the event was held only in the city of San Francisco, its response reached the international world as well. This incident was headlined by various famous newspapers. Miles Scott's fulfillment of this wish created a stir on social media as well.

Make a Wish is a charitable foundation dedicated to helping and fulfilling the wishes of people suffering from various diseases. Miles Scott made a wish to the Make a Wish Foundation that he wants to be the super hero Batman for a day and protect the city by destroying the evil forces in the city.


In this event organized by Make a Wish, thousands of people clapped their hands from both sides of the road and encouraged the baby Batman, and Batman jumped out of his Batmobile and fought with the villain Riddler and defeated the villain. Later, another villain Penguin was also arrested with the help of the police, Miles Scott of Batkit fame. San Francisco police arrested the two villains. The San Francisco attorney also gave a statement about the defendant, he said that kidnapping cases will be filed against these defendants very soon!


US President Barack Obama himself thanked the child Batman Miles Scott for such a brave act in a video message.

Although the whole thing was an orchestrated event by the Make a Wish Foundation to fulfill Miles Scott's wish, it still touched the hearts of millions. Make a Wish has received tremendous response for their initiative. Many visitors to Make a Wish's website visited Miles Scott to see photos. It must be said that Make a Wish has played a successful role in fulfilling a child's wish through this extraordinary initiative.

Source: The TechJournal

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