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দেশের বর্তমান রাজনীতি ॥ সব কিছুই যেনো এক এলোমেলো অবস্থা

The Dhaka Times Desk It is not clear which direction the politics of the country is going. Everything is a random state. What is actually going to happen?

Many such questions have arisen among the people. Because whatever is happening in the last three days, it can be called a random situation.

# Tariq Rahman's case verdict and acquittal

# Remand of 5 BNP leaders suspended

# swears in new ministers in all-party government

# BNP strike program suspended

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All in all a mess. The people are once thinking, it seems that the government has a deal with the BNP. Otherwise, why will the verdict of Tarek's case be like this? BNPE itself said before the verdict that the verdict of this case was arranged by the government, the people know what the verdict will be, etc. That means BNP assumed that Tarek would be found guilty. But when the incident happened on the contrary, then the people started thinking again that there must have been some rift between BNP and the government.

BNP has been calling the unnecessary remand of 5 BNP leaders as political revenge. 5 leaders were remanded but suddenly the remand was suspended in the high court. In any case, the suspension of remand was also considered significant by the public.

But suddenly the swearing-in ceremony of the new ministers yesterday and taking the Jatiya Party with them turned out to be a boomerang for the BNP. People's calculations suddenly changed. Finally today BNP will request the President for a peaceful resolution of the issue. In order to create a free and fair election environment. The political situation is changing day by day. And the people remain in that fog. Despite the decision, the strike program was suspended. Even if only one protest program has been given that is on Friday as a closing day. Of course people are happy with it.

No matter how bad or what the situation is, people feel that participation of all parties should be ensured. Because if one of the major parties of the country does not go to the election - there will be uncertainty in the election. People want relief from unstable situation. We all hope so.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১৯, ২০১৩ 11:50 am

Staff reporter

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