Check out the top 10 images captured on Google Street View from afar

The Dhaka Times Desk With Google Street View, you can witness the events happening anywhere without being there, just like some funny, violent and mysterious pictures that have been caught on Google Street View, Dhaka Times reports today.

View the above image via Google Street View Jon Rafman shows a cow crossing the street in distress, somehow hurting her leg.

The above image is from Google Street View, where many seagulls have chosen this car parking lot as their refuge.

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The picture above shows first a donkey lying dead on the side of the road as if it had been hit by a car while crossing the road! But in the next picture, the same donkey is standing on the side of the road.

The image above shows a car catching fire and the car burning to ashes.

The picture above shows two assailants carrying a dead body in the back of a pick-up van!

In the picture above, a child crawls out of a shopping mall, the child's parent may be distraught to find the child inside the shopping mall!

In this picture caught on Google Street View, two friends are having breakfast in a strange way to get a table on the water!

Google Street View shows an accident scene, where two cars collide head-on in a road accident.

Here is a recurring incident where an innocent animal lost its life while crossing the road!

In this picture, a terrorist organization can be seen, although in the first picture it seems that they are unarmed, but if you zoom in on Google Street View, you can see that they have modern weapons!

However, among these numerous pictures, a few pictures! With Google Street View, numerous images of the society are constantly coming up, which sometimes help in the fight against terrorism or describe strange, mysterious events.

Source: huffingtonpost, Mashable And heavy

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২৮, ২০১৭ 2:33 pm


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