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Facebook has brought special changes to users' chat view!

The Dhaka Times Desk Constantly Facebook is bringing various changes to their site, mainly these changes are for the convenience of users. This time, Facebook has added a new feature to the chat option through mobile and web view for the convenience of users.


Previously, it was seen if someone was online on Facebook, but now if a friend is online on Facebook, it can be seen, along with the online sign, it can also be seen with what kind of device that friend is online on Facebook. That is, if you are chatting on Facebook with mobile, your friend's chat view will show you online on mobile with "Mobile" written next to your name, while if you are online on computer, "Web" will be written next to your name.

Users will benefit from this kind of change in Facebook because before being online on Facebook with mobile, friends would send messages that could be seen from the computer without knowing it, so it could not be seen on mobile, but now users will understand which device their friend is on at the moment and that You can chat with friends about ideas.

Before this, on Monday suddenly, many Facebook users saw in their Facebook chat box that their friend was chatting on Facebook using any device. Facebook immediately said that this is only an experimental change that will be implemented in the future. In that context, Facebook has released this modified Facebook chat view all over the world.

Source: TechCrunch

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