Categories: politics

Looks like talks are deadlocked: reschedule next week

The Dhaka Times Desk After the leader of the opposition meeting the President, the glimpses of a change in the political landscape of the country have again stalled. That was almost clear in the Prime Minister's closing speech in Parliament yesterday.

The people of the country were very hopeful. The people almost forgot what had happened so far and became hopeful after the leader of the opposition went to the President. But what the Prime Minister said in his closing speech in the Parliament, less than a day after going to the President, does not show anything to be hopeful about. We have written several times Crisis will be resolved through discussion, peace will be established in the country.

It is learned that the 18-party alliance led by the main opposition BNP decided to wait till Sunday to see what initiative the President takes to resolve the crisis. But after the Prime Minister's closing speech in the National Parliament and the end of the Ninth Parliament session on Wednesday night, the BNP feels that the government has closed all the doors to negotiations or compromises to resolve the crisis.

In such a situation, the opposition party feels that there is no alternative to the movement. The 18-party alliance has a number of pre-announced programs until next Sunday. After that, 18 parties are thinking of going on a 3 or 4-day continuous strike or blockade to demand elections under a non-party government from Monday. The country will move towards a conflict situation again.

Acting General Secretary of BNP Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir also went to a function yesterday and said that they are in the program. More difficult and tough schedule will be given in coming days. However, the 18-party alliance is giving utmost importance to resolving the crisis through talks or dialogue. He said to the journalists that there is no need for the program if the discussion is resolved.

On the other hand, BNP rejected the Prime Minister's speech in the National Parliament yesterday. Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, Acting Secretary General of the Journalists' Party, said these things in response to the Prime Minister's speech at the BNP Chairperson's political office in Gulshan last night. Mirza Fakhrul said that the speech given by the Prime Minister in the Parliament is part of the blueprint for one-party elections. This proves that the government is trying to hold elections unilaterally, ignoring public demand. He commented that the crisis will intensify.

In such a situation, it seems that there is no possibility of solving the crisis. However, the people of this country are reluctant to give up hope. There is still time. Millions of people of this country expect that the President will take initiative to bring BNP to the elections. A peaceful free and fair election will restore peace in the country.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ২১, ২০১৩ 1:10 pm

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