The Dhaka Times
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The country will be immobilized from the day the schedule is announced - Mirza Fakhrul

The Dhaka Times Desk After receiving the news that the Election Commission is going to announce the schedule by next Monday, BNP Acting Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said that the country will be paralyzed from the day the schedule is announced.

Mirza Fakhrul

The political situation of the country is gradually getting confused. After the reorganization of the Council of Ministers during the election, the Election Commission has announced that the schedule for the next election will be announced by Monday next week.

Meanwhile, the country's largest party, BNP, has strongly opposed this announcement and has announced that the country will be paralyzed from the day the schedule is announced. Acting General Secretary of BNP said this in a public meeting at Suhrawardy Udyan this afternoon. He said, no one-party election will be allowed without holding discussions with BNP. The people of this country will not accept it.

Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir addressed the gathering as the chief guest. Top leaders of the 18-party alliance are also present in the rally. BNP Vice Chairman Sadek Hossain Khoka is presiding over it.

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