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See the Roman Britain civilization 2,000 years ago in digital video and pictures

The Dhaka Times Desk People do not have a clear idea of what the ancient civilization was like, because there are no clear pictures or digital records of that time, but this time the ancient history research team and Warwick University professor of ancient theory Dr. Michael Scott It creates a digital image of what British Roman civilization looked like 2,000 years ago!


A picture shows the wide road of that time and the barracks of the royal soldiers of that time on the side of the road! The road seen in this picture is current Exeter from London Was wide up!

Another picture shows the Roman city of Carr Calleva atrebatum Who is currently in Britain? Hampshire known as These pictures give an idea of how mighty the Roman civilization was at that time and how the present British culture developed.

The British professor has specially helped to create these digital images Dr. Michael Scott, he gave ideas to the digital team in different ways about the different contexts of that time with the knowledge he got from his education and these digital images were created by getting those ideas.


Among these images, one shows Roman soldiers advancing on a long march past, Exeter from London This 160 mile long road was 15 feet high and the soldiers marching here shows how powerful the Roman army was at that time. The Roman road depicted in the picture was actually recovered in 2011 Puddletown through the forest


Another image shows a huge naval port, which was a major port of the Roman civilization at the time. This port was discovered by archaeologists in 2011 in South Wales, Britain.

The third image shows a city scene of the Roman civilization as it is today Hampshire It was located very close to the city.


Meanwhile, the researcher Dr. Michael Scott These digital images created are not at all irrelevant. This is exactly what Roman British civilization was like 2,000 years ago as found in various archeological evidences. From these pictures it is understood that the present British civilization is the product of the past Roman British civilization.

Watch the video:

Source: Dailymail

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