The Dhaka Times Desk There are many proverbs about the nose. This is how it is said that if someone does something bad, 1 nose can be cut off'. This time the subject is a little exceptional. Now the debate has arisen, men's noses are big - or women's noses?
When you hear the saying of so many discussions about the nose, the topic has come to an exception and that is whose nose is bigger? Men's or women's. Researchers got the answer to this question while researching such questions. They got men's noses too big. Humans are often distinguished by this variety of short, large, pointed, and pointed noses. But no one knew that the nose also changes depending on gender.
If the claims of researchers from the University of Iowa in the United States can be accepted, then this is the case. Their research was recently published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology. According to Nathan Holton, one of the research team, mature male noses are quite a bit larger than female ones. The reason for this, he said, is that boys need more oxygen than girls. The total amount of human muscle mass is called 'lean muscle mass' or 'lean body mass', abbreviated as LBM. According to the physical structure, the amount of LBM in the body of boys is naturally much higher than that of girls. Boys need more oxygen to fuel their muscles. And so as a result of adaptation, boys' noses are slightly larger than girls' noses.
The researchers selected 38 Europeans for this study. From the age of three to their mid-twenties, he regularly examined the changes in the structure of the nose. Long-term studies have shown that there is no difference in the shape of the nose between boys and girls early on. But from the age of 11, i.e. from puberty, the nose size of boys starts growing much faster than that of girls. And this is how boys' noses grow.
According to Nathan, there is evidence from research on why modern humans have smaller noses than prehistoric humans. According to research data, Neanderthals or cavemen of that time were much more muscular. As a result, they needed more oxygen. So the nose was also very big.
Many have raised questions about Nathan's research. Many are skeptical about whether such a conclusion can be reached by examining only 38 people. Moreover, there is considerable doubt as to whether the characteristics seen in Europeans can be seen in people of other continents. Nathan also accepted that more research is needed. However, compared to muscular cavemen, many skinny humans have smaller noses - just as it is true, the fact that noses change between children will one day prove to be true for all humans - Nathan hopes. Source: Anandabazar newspaper.