Ten notorious hackers arrested

The Dhaka Times Desk “হ্যাকার” The term has multifaceted uses. But it gained popularity because of the internet. Today, a hacker is defined as a person who accesses another person's computer without their permission, which is now called cybercrime. Today's report is about some notorious hackers caught so far.

Johnson James Ancheta

Jeanson James Ancheta dropped out of school and became a hacker in 2004. In 2004, a software robot botnet started working. While practicing, he discovers that a computer virus can destroy any computer network. He is the first person in America to be banned in the eyes of the law for multiple computer hijackings.

Kevin Poulsen

Kevin Poulsen জনপ্রিয় অনলাইন ম্যাগাজিন Wired.com of INVESTIGATIONS EDITOR Before becoming a skilled hacker. Hacking a telephone line to win a Porsche 944 S2 made him famous. For this he has to serve jail. After his release from prison, he gave up computer programming, and became a journalist.

Albert Gonzalez

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Albert Gonzalez's well-planned withdrawal of 170 million dollars from the bank to his account made him famous in the world of hacking. This hack is called the most controversial hack in the world. Through SQL injections, he steals computer calls and steals money by sending a fake message by ARP spoofing attacks.

Kevin Mitnick

Kevin David Mitnick is currently a cyber security expert in America. But before that he was a controversial and notorious hacker. At the age of 12, he broke the security of a Los Angeles bus ticket punch and came into the limelight. He then gradually became America's most notorious cybercriminal. Later, wanting to return to a healthy life, he surrendered and served some sentences and started working in the security department.

Gary McKinnon

Gary McKinnon was arrested for hacking 97 military bases and NASA computers. In 2002, he deleted all the data of about 2000 computers of the entire American army camp in just 24 hours, the loss of which America could not overcome!

Robert Tappan Morris

Robert Tappan Morris is called the world's most popular hacker. Because he invented the widely used worm virus for hacking. He was a Massachusetts Institute of Technology Electrical Engineering and Computer Science professor before serving 3 years in prison for his actions!

Kristina Svechinskaya

Kristina Svechinskaya is a famous Russian hacker. He withdrew about 3 billion dollars by attacking the Trojan virus in various bank accounts in America and the United Kingdom!

Karl Koch

German hacker Karl Koch rose to prominence in the 1980s. He is said to be the most skilled hacker during the cold war between America and Russia in the 60s who worked as a Russian KGB Agent! He also worked with CCC (Chaos Computer Club) and two hackers named Dirk-Otto-Brezinski and Urmel. His greatest achievement was to steal all the weapons information of the American military through the network and give it to the KGB.

Julian Paul Assange

Julian Paul Assange came to prominence with WikiLeaks. He carried out perhaps the largest hacking operation in American history, exposing documents of various important American documents. At the age of 16, he joined a hacking group called Mendax and became proficient in hacking.

Raphael Gray

Raphael Gray, who introduced himself as The Bill Gates Hacker, is a master at stealing credit card information to withdraw money. It is said that no computer network is safe in front of him, because Raphael Gray is able to break all security anyway. Raphael Gray was caught by the FBI in 2000.

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Reference: list25

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২৮, ২০১৭ 1:51 pm

Raziur Rahman

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