A 3,380 feet high chimney will be built for solar power generation

The Dhaka Times Desk Researchers have set up an eco-friendly gas chimney that will generate solar power and will reach a height of 3,380 feet! The electricity generated from this chimney will be delivered to different areas.

According to Bislesak, solar power generation with this chimney of gas balloon technology will be very affordable because it would cost 750 million US dollars to build a cement chimney of this height but this chimney will cost only 20 million US dollars.

Named company that manufactures balloons Lindstrand Balloons Owner and Engineer Lindstrand This gas fireplace will be built according to its plan. Lindstrand Who is best known for his ballooning adventure across the Pacific Ocean in 1991 and has also created alternatives to the various vehicles currently flying in the sky. blimps And aerostats These have brought him considerable fame in the technology world.

The designed chimney will be so high that it Empire State Building double of and Dubai’s Burj Khalifa 500 feet higher than Lindstrand According to the plan, this chimney will store energy from the sun to generate electricity and deliver that electricity to remote areas where electricity is usually difficult to get. The electricity produced by this technology will be sent to areas where earthquakes are more prone to high risk of sending ordinary power lines or setting up power plants.

Currently, there are cement chimneys of this type, but they are much more expensive than gas chimneys, so if such chimneys are made, it will be possible to save money and get natural electricity.

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However, this chimney is still in the early stages of consideration, but in the meantime, researchers have conducted experimental studies with an 11-foot tall chimney, and are currently working on experimentally building another 70-foot chimney. Lindstrand is still waiting for the necessary grants to build the 3,380-foot-tall chimney.

Watch the video:

Source: The TechJournal

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২৮, ২০১৭ 1:46 pm


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