Categories: health talk

10 reasons why you wake up late every morning!

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many people who are eager to wake up every morning to go to work, but for some reason you do not wake up in the morning or cannot sleep properly at night, let's know the main 10 reasons behind not sleeping at night and getting up late in the morning.

1. Do the work of the day at night There are many people who do the work that can be done during the day and do it at night instead of doing it during the day. As a result, he wakes up at night and the next day, like every day, he gets up late or runs out with sleep in his eyes!

2. Break the routine:

Once you break the routine or wake up at night, it will be difficult for you to sleep at night. Similarly, waking up in the morning will also become difficult.

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3. Spending time on social media at night:

There are many people who like to spend time on social media like Twitter, Facebook etc late at night, in their case it can be very difficult to wake up in the morning.

4. Many feel comfortable working at night:

There are many people who think that he concentrates more at work at night or that his brain is more active at night, so he waits until late at night to use his brain and stays awake, which acts as a controller behind his lateness to work the next day.

5. Going to bed with technology products:

There are many people who go to bed with laptops, tablets, mobiles and continue to use these without accounting. One time another, the night passes like this, sleep comes in the morning, but by then it is time to go to work! Late to work as usual!

6. Chatting with a foreign friend at night

Many people have the habit of chatting with foreign friends through social media, but you have to remember that even if it is day in your foreign friend's country, you are chatting all night long! Don't forget that you have work the next day.

7. Watching TV at night:

There are many who love to stay up at night to watch TV. Bangladeshi media also now broadcast interesting programs at night, but you have to remember that these media are not making these night programs with Bangladeshis in mind! They are making these programs keeping foreign audience in mind. On the other hand, foreign channels are broadcasting programs for their own countries. If you wake up at night to watch these shows, you don't care because you have work the next day!

8. Sleeplessness when going to bed:

There are many people who are sleepy but sleepy when they go to bed! Once this way and once the other way. As a result, as usual, late to sleep! Late to work!

9. Remembering the past when going to bed:

There are some people who go to bed and remember various unexpected events or their own disappointments and wake up late in the morning due to lack of sleep.

10. Disappointment:

Due to your depression many times you can't sleep at night and wake up late in the morning.

Apart from these 10 reasons above, there can be many other reasons behind a person's lack of sleep at night or late getting up in the morning. If you do not sleep at night for any reason other than these reasons, you can comment below.

Source: buzzfeed

This post was last modified on জুলাই ১০, ২০২৪ 11:51 am


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