The Dhaka Times
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Burnt in the siege: 9 people fight to the death

The Dhaka Times Desk At least 9 people are battling with the dead after 1 more person was injured in the bus fire incident in front of Shishu Park in Shahbagh.

Block burn

The 71-hour blockade called by the opposition was violent for almost the entire duration. Common people of this country have been victims of this violence. The politics of this country is about common people. But the politics of recent times has taken an evil shape. Miscreants hurled petrol bombs at a Bihang Paribahan bus in Shahbagh on Thursday evening. The body of 19 passengers including the driver-helper got burnt in the fire.

On that day one of the 18 people named Nahid died in the night and another one named Robin died yesterday morning. Both of them are brothers of Mamato-Phupa. These two brothers were called twin pigeons. Wherever they went, they always went together. And so he left the world at the same time. On the last evening of the siege that day, the two left the house together. Who knew they would never return home. Their home is Madaripur. At least 3 of the remaining 17 people in that incident are battling death in the intensive care unit (ICU) of Dhaka Medical College. But no one knows how long they can continue this fight with unbearable pain. Currently, 3 burn victims are in ICU, 6 in post-operative ward and 8 in general ward. Advocate Khodeja Nasreen and Jahangir Hossain Mridha, who are undergoing treatment in the ICU, are also in critical condition.

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Meanwhile, State Minister for Health and Family Planning Captain (Retd.) Mojibur Rahman Fakir visited the burnt victims yesterday morning. At that time, he said, BNP is doing corpse politics. The Prime Minister has a special order that first aid will be provided free of cost to those who are burnt here. Later, those who need plastic surgery or more advanced treatment will be taken care of by the government. He told reporters that the issue of bringing specialist doctors from outside the country is also under process.

Partha Shankar Pal, resident surgeon of the burn unit, told the media that 16 of the burnt victims have burns in their airways. And because of this, the condition of all of them is alarming. However, the condition of 9 people is serious. How long will the innocent people be burnt like this, the political leaders of the country asked the relatives of the victims.

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