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Chitra-vichitra: A story about the world of eggs

The Dhaka Times Desk It seems that people who do not eat eggs are not found. Especially what goes without eggs for breakfast? don't go Today's story is about this egg.

The English don't start their day without a double egg mumlet. All nations of the world are more or less dependent on eggs. It means they have to eat eggs. Without eating or what is the way. A lot of nutrition comes from this egg. Whether the price of eggs increases or decreases, eggs are wanted. Not only in breakfast, the use of eggs has increased in many ways. Bread, cake, biscuit - whatever you call it, it cannot be made without eggs. Even homemade pies require eggs.

Recently, bird flu has emerged as a threat around the world. Many people stay away from chicken because of this fear. Even stay away from eggs. However, researchers say, bird flu has no effect on eggs. Means you can eat eggs easily even during bird flu. However, as a precaution, experts have advised to eat boiled or omelette instead of half-boiled or egg omelette. That is, care should be taken to ensure that the egg yolk is cooked well. Eggs are good for egg lovers. They have no objection to half-boiled or boiled. Of course, some avoid eating eggs for fear of bird flu. If you're in the egg-free group, you're missing out on many vitamins. Eggs contain all the vitamins, minerals and essential protein ingredients. This egg does not contain only vitamin C. Egg yolks are one of the handful of foods that naturally contain vitamin D.

Like an egg again

The color of the egg can also be seen. Some eggs are white, some are reddish brown, and some are light blue. However, due to the color of the egg, the nutrition, ingredients, smell, taste and even the cooking style of the egg does not change at all. Egg color depends on the hen. If the hen's feathers and ear lobes are brown, that hen will lay brown eggs. A hen with white feathers and ear lobes lays white eggs. However, since the reddish brown egg is slightly larger in size than the white egg, its content is also higher. So the price is a little higher than white eggs.

Which country produces more eggs?

There is a saying, the country with more people should produce more eggs. Because eggs probably have the highest place in the human diet—at least that's what the experts think. That is why China occupies the first place in egg production in the world. 160 billion or 16 billion eggs are produced in China every year. And each hen lays two and a half eggs every year.

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Eggshell and caste mystery

Eggshell is a great mystery. However fragile, each egg shell has over 17,000 layers. There are about 150 types of chickens in the world. All of them lay eggs. There is no end to the debate around the world about whether the egg comes first or the chicken first. Researchers have already settled that debate. The chicken comes first, not the egg. And whatever the ancestors of chickens are, they are known as red jungle fowl. These forest fowls are native to Asia. It is heard that it has spread from Asia to the rest of the continents. Moreover, chicken is one of the oldest animals domesticated by humans. It is known from history that the Chinese were the first to breed chickens. It is believed that this chicken turn started from 1400 BC. This was pretty much the story of the world of eggs. The story that we may not have known - today we know that story. Courtesy: Daily Yugantar Online

This post was last modified on জুন ৯, ২০১৫ 10:16 pm

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