Categories: health talk

4 tips to protect your skin from winter dryness

The Dhaka Times Desk In winter, people's skin problems increase a lot, the skin becomes dry and lifeless. So to save you from winter dry skin, dirty skin, today's Dhaka Times report.

Here are four ways to keep your skin beautiful and healthy throughout the winter.

1. Use Moisturize: There is no fuss when winter starts, you must use moisturize cream or lotion on your skin after taking a bath. Remember that if the skin is dry, it will create various complications, the weather is already dry in winter, it can cause your skin to become dry and cracked. And those with sensitive skin should use lotions without fragrance and lanolin when using Moisturize.

2. Clean skin: You must clean your skin but don't rub your skin too much in winter as it can make your skin dirty or lose its natural beauty. Do not clean the skin with soap in the morning and afternoon, it is enough to wash the skin with soap or cleanser once a day. Avoid using soap on your face, clean your face with natural cleansers.

3. Be careful using soap and hot water It is very cold, so you should not use hot water too much, of course you have to control the use of hot water and soap. Hot water softens your skin. May make the skin rigid and dull. Always use hot water at a tolerable level for every shower, use soap or cleanser without detergents. Use petroleum jelly before and after bathing.

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4. Cold wind of winter: The cold wind of winter can bring many problems for your skin, keep the humidity in the house in winter, try to avoid the cold wind even if you go outside. Never use artificial sun block as it can cause skin cancer.

Source: Newsmaxhealth

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ৪, ২০১৩ 5:08 pm


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