Categories: recipe

Recipe: Macaroni with Chicken & Vegetables

দি ঢাকা টাইমস্‌ ডেস্ক ॥ বাজারে পাওয়া যায় নানা রকম সবজি। এইসব সবজিগুলো দিয়ে আমাদের আজকের রান্নার রেসিপি ম্যাকারণি উইথ চিকেন & ভেজিটেবল।


Ingredients and quantities required for cooking one packet of macaroni:

  • # macaroni 1 packet
  • # Chicken 4 large pieces


  • # potato 1
  • # 1 carrot (small)
  • # tomato 1
  • # Capsicum 1
  • # cartridge is 2
  • # Tomato Sauce 2/3 tsp
  • # ginger paste half teaspoon
  • # cardamom 1
  • # is like salt to taste
  • # chopped onion half cup
  • # oil 3 tbsp
  • # Green Chillies 5/6

Preparation before cooking:

First, the large pieces of chicken should be cut into small pieces.

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Potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, capsicum and onion should be roughly cut and sliced.


After boiling the macaroni in a pot, keep the cooked macaroni in a bowl. Potatoes, carrots and leeks should be lightly boiled. (Add a little salt to pasta and vegetables while cooking) In another large pan or kadai

First of all: Add enough oil to the onion.

Secondly: Cover the chicken with salt, ginger, cardamom and green chillies. Cook on medium heat.

Thirdly: After 2-3 minutes, cover with capsicum and tomato pieces and cook on low flame. After 5/6 minutes add boiled vegetables and add boiled macaroni, green chillies and salt. Now cook on medium heat.

At the end: Stir the ingredients together and after 2/3 minutes to mix the tomatoes, remove it.

Great tasting and healthy food will be prepared. Serve hot. This dish can be a favorite food of kids as evening snack and school tiffin snack.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৬, ২০২৫ 2:24 pm

Bipasha Rahman

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