The Dhaka Times Desk It is said that the risk of heart disease increases above 35. Heart disease such as heart attack, heart failure, or stroke can happen to anyone over 35, so you need to be aware of these issues. I will tell you today Heart attack Or what are the symptoms of heart disease!
1. Fatigue and slow breathing: Sometimes, apart from being overworked, your breathing may be slow or you may feel a little tired, which means your body is telling you to rest. But if you feel weak for no such reason or start breathing slowly, then you must remember that there is a problem in your body. If such symptoms appear, be careful and get your body checked by a good doctor.
2. Body sweat day and night: Do you sweat unnecessarily during the day or night without heat? Don't delay if this kind of sweat comes out, it is definitely not a good sign for the elderly. Your heart has weakened so much that it is not able to supply enough blood to the body, which is why you are sweating like this. At the same time, try to reduce the heat of the body by using a hand fan or sitting in a shady place where the wind is blowing and rest.
3. Stomach problems or nausea: Many times stomach problems occur before heart disease, during which abdominal pain with gas in the stomach is accompanied by vomiting or nausea. Even if such problems occur, talk to the doctor quickly.
4. Chest pain: If your chest pain is excessive or sudden chest tightness and throbbing pain is felt, then definitely do not ignore it. Remember that most heart attacks are accompanied by chest pain.
5. Pain in other parts of the body: Apart from the chest, before heart disease, pain can be felt in different parts of the body, such as upper abdomen, shoulder, neck, toothache.
If these 5 types of symptoms appear above, definitely consult a cardiologist and take the necessary advice. Remember your awareness can keep you healthy and safe.
Source: Healthline
This post was last modified on জুলাই ১০, ২০২৪ 11:47 am
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