Categories: entertainment

The world's most ridiculous 10 toys!

The Dhaka Times Desk All of us have played more or less with toys when we were young, but which toys are the funniest among thousands of toys around the world? Today The Dhaka Times will give you details about the 10 funniest toys in the world in this report.


1. Hitler Doll:

Hitler Doll is a type of doll that is seen by many children, especially in America, parents buy this doll for their children as a source of laughter.

2. Fish Cleaning Set:

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This toy involves cutting a whole toy fish to reveal the inner spines, which helps children develop intelligence. All the fish are divided into several pieces which are attached together. Step by step correct process of separating the parts of the fish is a test for children.

3. iPotty

This is the children's commode where the children are distracted by the iPad while toileting. You can see how ridiculous it is!

4. Shaveable Hairy Baby

Yes the name is surprising, these types of dolls are available in the market, children can shave the hair of these dolls and once the hair is smoothed back, it sits like a place. It's also funny.

5. Children's ATM

Just by hearing the name, you understand that this is not a real ATM machine, it is a toy machine with money in it, which is made of plastic.

6. Gun O' Clock

It is a kind of clock that when the alarm goes off, you have to aim and shoot at a designated place with the accompanying toy friend. Children can wake up in the morning and start the day by getting into the habit of targeting and setting goals.

7. Inflatable Titanic:

Everyone knows the Titanic but there is a Titanic toy for children which is made of plastic and can be inflated and floated in water.

8. Pregnant Baby

It's so funny! Pregnancy doll for baby! How is this again! Yes, there is a type of doll available in the market that is pregnant and gives birth!

9. Thumb Wrestling Set

A two finger game, it is known as a fun toy for children.

10. My Cleaning Trolley

This is a box full of baby cleaning tools, there are miniature versions of all kinds of cleaning tools.

Source: List25

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ৩, ২০১৩ 10:45 am


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