Amazon will deliver products purchased online by drone!

The Dhaka Times Desk Head of the world famous online selling company Amazon Jeff Bezos In the future, Amazon will use remote control drones to deliver products to customers' doorsteps, he said.


In case it seems surprising, Amazon authorities have announced the use of remote control drones to deliver their products. At the same time, they have released a video of the delivery of products by such drones, where it is seen that goods ordered by Amazon are delivered by drone to the customer's doorstep in just 30 minutes. Delivering ahead.

Meanwhile, despite the announcement, this famous American online retail company is still late in getting the official permission to use drones for product delivery, so it is believed that it will take another 3 to 4 years to come directly to customer service.

In a video released by Amazon authorities, a small aircraft consisting of 8 small helicopters mounted on wings and 4 legs, the complete drone can transport 2.5 kg of goods. It is capable of delivering goods of specified weight over a distance of 10 miles in just 30 minutes.

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At the bottom of the drone will be a plastic container into which Amazon supply personnel will deliver the ordered products. According to the instructions, the products and drones sent by Amazon will go in front of the specific customer's house.

Jeff Bezos বলেন, “এটি অনেক পরিবেশ বান্ধব একই সাথে ট্রাফিক সমস্যা কমাতেও এই প্রযুক্তি অনেক সাহায্য করবে।”

Meanwhile, the head of the US Federal Bureau of Aviation Michael Huerta According to him, until now, about 7,500 small-sized drones are waiting to be used in the air of America for various purposes, including the transportation of goods. It is hoped that these drones will be seen in the air of the United States within four years.

If indeed supply of such goods is assured Wal-Mart Other pizza delivery companies will benefit more from this.

Watch the drone delivery process in the video below:

Source: The Independent
Special thanks to: Yahoo News

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২৮, ২০১৭ 1:06 pm


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