Categories: international news

Research says: Most American citizens do not trust each other!

The Dhaka Times Desk  It is said that things are equal in faith, far away in arguments. Breaking the shackles of misconceptions and attaining free faith is the sign of civilization. America, known as the developed and civilized country of the world, is different. It is known that American citizens do not trust each other at all.

It's not just that American citizens have lost faith in the government, the church, or Wall Street—it's that people have become increasingly distrustful of each other over the last four decades.

Fifty percent of Americans said they trusted people when the social survey was first asked in 1972. Now, four long decades later, that number has grown to one-third who trust others.

According to a survey by the Associated Press, crime has gone down in forty long years, the country has become safer day by day, but people have lost trust in each other.

University of Maryland Its Eric Uslaner said - People who believe that the world is a beautiful place, it is becoming more beautiful day by day and if you want to make the world more beautiful, then they will surely believe. But if people think the world is dark and controlled by external forces that are impossible to control, then people will be disbelievers.

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According to social scientists – all day and night cable news that highlights crime even after the crime rate is down – is responsible for people's mistrust.

Advances in technology, mechanized life, social decay, glorification of crime in cable news or movies, there is no guarantee that the civilized American citizens have been able to save themselves from the evil effects of all these. Although many find the Associated Press polls unreliable, there is plenty of opportunity for Americans to think about the issue.

Reference: the singer

This post was last modified on মে ২৯, ২০২৩ 12:05 pm

Mahmudur Rahman

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