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The person trapped in the sinking tugboat at the bottom of the sea was rescued after 3 days! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk God keeps killing who? To prove this proverb true, a man stuck in a tugboat at the bottom of the sea was rescued after three days. After an oil company tugboat capsized there Chef Harrison Okenke After three days of clinging to the overturned tugboat, rescuers made the rescue.


Tugboat 30 km deep in the sea off the coast of Nigeria Jascon-4 The tugboat suffered an accident and capsized. The time of the incident was May 26, five in the morning. Harrison Oaken He was in the lavatory when the boat overturned and after a while he was inside the overturned boat, where there was a small air cavity. The darkness, the cold of the sea, hunger, thirst, and fear all met with terrible times. Harrison.

In expressing that feeling Harrison He said, 'There was darkness and turmoil around him. He prayed to Jesus to save him from danger and wept at the same time. He prayed to see a little light as he suffered from hunger and thirst.


He survived for three days with a little oxygen in the air and a bottle of Coca-Cola Harrison. His fear was that he would no longer be able to breathe when he returned to Earth from taking in excess nitrogen. He spent two days in a compression chamber recuperating after being rescued by ship company personnel.

On the tagboat With Harrison Okens There were a total of 12 sailors. Unfortunately, everyone but Harrison is doomed to die. Rescuers from the shipping company arrived to recover the bodies of the tagboat sailors and miraculously survived. Harrison rescued It can be said in this context Harrison Oaken A very lucky man.

Watch the video of how he got there and the rescue:

Reference: buzzfeed

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